There are not support conversations for every rank: there is only the A+ support conversation, and A+ is unique between specific characters. Support conversations are one of my favourite parts of Fire Emblem and, unfortunately, Fire Emblem Warriors doesn’t have very many of them. So if you’ve played those games, you’ve already seen half the story. In addition, they choose to borrow heavily from the storylines of Awakening, Fates, and Shadow Dragon.

There are twists and turns, but all are predictable. Put it all together, and you’ll probably have Fire Emblem Warriors’ story exactly as you imagined. If you’ve played Fire Emblem games before, imagine every single trope in their stories. It plays it very safe, and never evolves much past the standard Fire Emblem formula. Fire Emblem Warriors’ story is serviceable, but a bit disjointed at times. Unless you’re playing the historical versions of the Warriors games for the first time, the franchise’s stories have usually been nothing to write home about. In order to counter the threat to their kingdom, they are told by the bishop of a temple to gather heroes from across dimensions to fight for them against the invading Chaos Dragon’s forces. The kingdom is attacked by an unknown entity, and the twins are forced to flee along with their friend Darios, a prince from the neighbouring country of Gristonne. The story of Fire Emblem Warriors stars Rowan and Lianna, royal twins that are heirs of the Kingdom of Aytolis. I wanted to keep an open mind and let Fire Emblem Warriors speak for itself. The Fire Emblem community reacted the same way when Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was announced, and that ended up being a great and underrated game. After all, the two franchises are a nice fit, and I love both of them. Despite all of this, I have remained cautiously optimistic.

Even Fire Emblem Warriors’ DLC would focus on those three games, angering even more people. With the announcement that the game would focus primarily on Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates, Fire Emblem fans were justifiably upset. The franchise is filled with such a huge cast of loveable characters! How could this go wrong?” Well, fast forward nine months, and most people that were interested have tuned out. I thought, “What possibilities! There are so many great characters that would work in a Warriors game. When I saw Fire Emblem Warriors revealed during Nintendo’s big Switch presentation in January, I actually teared up a bit. Hyrule Warriors was an extremely fun crossover on Wii U, and it left me hungry for more. If you had asked me near the beginning of the year what one of my most anticipated games was for 2017, I would have responded with Fire Emblem Warriors.